
To Be Released!

We’re working diligently to ensure the content and user interface are just right for the best learning experience.

RockeTree - Your Gateway to Aerospace Engineering

At jm_space, we've always been driven by a passion for inspiring the next generation of aerospace engineers and STEM enthusiasts.

Since our founding in 2019, we've shared our journey through model rocketry to ignite curiosity and foster a love for aerospace.

Now, we’re taking our mission to the next level with RockeTree—a unique learning platform designed to make model rocketry and aerospace education more accessible to everyone.

Why RockeTree?

Many of our viewers frequently ask us how they can develop their own model rockets. Until now, finding comprehensive and approachable resources for this has been challenging. RockeTree bridges that gap by providing a structured, user-friendly approach to learning aerospace engineering.

The Tree Structure: Picture a tree with branches representing various aspects of aerospace engineering. Each branch delves into a distinct topic, such as software development, electronics, flight mechanics, aerodynamics, and rocket flight.

Customized Learning Paths: As you progress through a branch, you unlock new topics tailored to your interests. Whether you’re captivated by flight computers or prefer to skip electronics and focus on other areas, RockeTree allows you to chart your own learning journey. The choice is entirely yours!


To bring this learning transformation to life, we’ve developed our own WebApp.

Explore the Tree Structure: Within the WebApp, you can navigate through the tree structure, unlocking new topics, advancing in areas of interest, and mastering any skill you choose.

Engaging Learning Materials: Each topic features a blend of videos and text lectures to teach you the essential concepts, paired with interactive activities to reinforce your understanding.

Gamified Experience: To make your learning journey more engaging, you earn experience points by completing activities and progress through levels, from intern to mission control specialist.

Community: RockeTree also emphasizes building a community of like-minded individuals. Join our Discord server to exchange project ideas, troubleshoot challenges, and showcase your results with others.


Creating content to guide you through model rocket development is a significant endeavor. Despite our full-time efforts from June to August 2024, we will only be able to offer a limited portion of the learning platform at launch due to the extensive amount of work involved in content creation.

Initially Available Path: The first available path will be the Electronics Path, where you’ll learn to develop your own flight computer.

Future Expansion: We plan to expand our content over the coming years to include everything from CAD design of rockets to flight computer development, programming, and launch procedures. As you progress and as our user base grows, we’ll continually add new resources to further enhance your aerospace education journey. Stay tuned for ongoing updates and additions!

Electronics Path

The first path available within RockeTree is the Electronics Path.

Here, you'll start with the fundamentals of electronics, including key concepts such as electrons, current, and voltage. You'll then progress through the study of various components and how to arrange them to build circuits for flight computers. By the end of this path, you'll have the knowledge and skills to design and order your own flight computer.

Currently, the Electronics Path includes over 5 hours of video content across 39 videos.

Here’s what the course structure will look like:

  • Electronics Path

    • Level 1: Introduction to the Electronics Path (Sections, Why Fundamentals, and Outlook).

    Electronic Fundamentals

    • Level 1: Atoms, Electrons, Coulomb Force, the Periodic Table, Bohr’s Atom Model, and Ions.

    • Level 2: Metallic Bonding, Conductivity, Electric Current, and Direction of Flow.

    • Level 3: Electric Potential, Voltage, and the Water Analogy.

    • Level 4: Resistance, Ohm's Law, Resistor, Resistor Values, and First Look at Schematics.

    • Level 5: Resistor Circuits, Resistors in Series and Parallel, Kirchhoff’s Voltage and Current Laws, and Short Circuits.

    • Level 6: Structure Capacitor, Capacitance, Usage, Water Analogy, Capacitors in Parallel and Series, Capacitor Types.

    • Level 7: Covalent Bonding, Semiconductors, Doping, PN-Junction, Diode Types.

    • Level 8: BJT Transistor & Types and MOSFET Transistor & Types.

    • Level 9: Magnets, Electromagnetism, Electromagnetic Induction, and Inductors.

    • Level 10: LC-Circuits, Piezoelectricity, and Crystal Oscillators.

    • Level 11: First Glimpse at Buffalo Stack.

    Electronic Circuits

    • Level 1: Circuits Overview (Power Management, Microcontroller, Sensors, Outputs, and Telemetry).

    Power Management

    • Level 1: Voltaic Cell (Oxidation & Reduction, Noble Metals, Galvanic Series, Zinc/Copper Voltaic Cell, and Discharge/Recharge).

    • Level 2: Battery Selection (Li-Ion, LiPo, NiMH, Capacity, Cell Number, C-Rating, and Connector).

    • Level 3: Voltage Regulator (Shunt Regulator, Linear Regulator, and Switching Regulator).

    • Level 4: Regulator Circuit Design (LM2596).


    • Level 1: Pin Types (GPIO, Pull-Up/Pull-Down Resistors, Analog Input, PWM).

    • Level 2: Clock, Interrupts, and Sleep Mode.

    • Level 3: Bus Protocols (I2C, SPI, and UART).

    • Level 4: Memory Sources and Programming (Flash, EEPROM, RAM, and Bootloader).

    • Level 5: Specific Microcontrollers (Breakout, Modules, and Embedded Microcontroller).

    • Level 6: Teensy 4.1 (Features and Implementation).

    • Level 7: ESP32 (Features, USB to UART bridge, and Implementation).

    • Level 8: STM32 (Features, Naming Convention, Implementation, Serial Wire Debug, Oscillator Design, and STM32 MX Tool).


    • Level 1: Gyroscope (Function Principle, Determining Orientation, Parameters, and Calibration).

    • Level 2: Accelerometer (Function Principle, Determining Orientation, and Parameters).

    • Level 3: BMI088 Implementation

    • Level 4: Barometer (Function Principle, and Parameters).

    • Level 5: BMP388 Implementation (Properties, Oversampling, and IIR Filter).

    • Level 6: Voltmeter (Voltage Divider with ADC).

    • Level 7: Other Sensors (Magnetometer, GNSS Receiver, and more).


    • Level 1: Flight Data Storage (SD Card, Implementation, and Flash Memory).

    • Level 2: Indicators (LED, RGB LED, Driver ICs, Buzzer, Speaker, Audio Amplifier, and Mono vs Stereo Audio).

    • Level 3: Pyro Channels (Electric Ignitor, Heating Wire, Basic Design, Optocoupler, Fuse, Driver, and Continuity Detection).

    • Level 4: Actuators (Servo and PWM).

    PCB Design (to be created)

    • Level 1: Schematics (Parts Library, Creating Connections, Source Components, and Devise Own Component).

    • Level 2: Layout (Board Outline, Component Placement, 2/4/6 Layer PCB, and Thermal Management).

    • Level 3: Routing (Auto Router, Trace Thickness, Ground Plane, and Design Rule Checking).

    • Level 4: Assembly Service (Pick and Place File, and Bill of Material File)

    • Level 5: Order PCB (Export Gerber File and Configure Order).

RockeTree +

While much of RockeTree will be accessible for free, certain topics within rocketry will be exclusively available to RockeTree+ users.

RockeTree+ is a one-time payment that grants you lifetime access to premium content. Think of it as purchasing a course with a single fee, giving you ongoing access to advanced topics and resources. This model helps us support the development and maintenance of the platform while providing you with valuable, in-depth knowledge.

Update History

  • WebApp

    • User Management: Login and Register

    • Database Storage: Users and Content

    • Tree Design: Topics, Interconnection of Topics, Work-In-Progress Indication, Unlocking Topics Mechanism, Design of Topics

    • Level Design: Level Navigation, Activities, and Solutions

    • User Interface Enhancements: Added home button to Tree Navigation to center Tree, Added reset button to reset progress, Added premium user functionality, Made Web App Mobile compatible


    • Electronic Fundamentals Lectures

    • System Overview Lectures

    • Microcontrollers Lectures

    • Sensors and Outputs Lectures

  • WebApp

    • Navigation Enhancements: After level completion, users are redirected to the top of the screen.

    • Formula Display: Formulas are now displayed in Markdown format.

    • Image Storage: Images are stored in the database and displayed via Markdown.

    • Customizable Icons: Added capability to individualize topic icons.

    • Video Transcripts: Added functionality to collapse video transcripts for a cleaner interface.

    • Complete Button: Introduced a "Complete" button for activities to mark them as finished.

    • Level System: Added a level system with experience points gained after completing activities.

    • Activity Prompt: Screen prompt to notify users of available activities.


    • Added Introduction to Advanced Model Rocketry lecture

    • Activities: Added interactive activities to the Electronic Fundamentals and Electronic Circuits topics.

Project by Johannes Moser and Michael Feßl


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